'We're buzzing': Fans out in force

England supporters (from left) William Bacon, Ellie Thompson and Tiaan Litton. PHOTO: GREGOR...
England supporters (from left) William Bacon, Ellie Thompson and Tiaan Litton. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Tommy Glubb and Casey Hilton-Pryor, of Waimate. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Tommy Glubb and Casey Hilton-Pryor, of Waimate. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
From left: Elli Giddings, Danielle Keyworth, Joe Tingle and Cat Roberts, all of Queenstown. PHOTO...
From left: Elli Giddings, Danielle Keyworth, Joe Tingle and Cat Roberts, all of Queenstown. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
All Blacks fans show their support outside Forsyth Barr Stadium. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
All Blacks fans show their support outside Forsyth Barr Stadium. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Excitement builds up in the stands at Forsyth Barr Stadium. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Excitement builds up in the stands at Forsyth Barr Stadium. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The All Blacks warm up in the moments before kickoff. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The All Blacks warm up in the moments before kickoff. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The lights turned down at Forsyth Barr Stadium for a halftime laser show. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The lights are turned down at Forsyth Barr Stadium for a halftime laser show. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY

The Octagon was swarming with All Black and English fans, as they prepared to support their teams ahead of the first test in Dunedin. 

Bar fronts were extended out into the street in the central city to accommodate crowds having a final meal and drink before heading off to Forsyth Barr Stadium for tonight's match. 

English fans were out in full force and not worried about being the minority in the stands.

Ellie Thompson, of Bristol, said she had been in New Zealand for three months and loved the opportunity to support her team away from home soil.

‘‘We have tickets to for the match up in Auckland next week as well - we’re buzzing.’’

Fans flocked to the Octagon ahead of the first test between the All Blacks and England in Dunedin...
Fans flocked to the Octagon ahead of the first test between the All Blacks and England in Dunedin today. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
For Elli Gidding, also from Britain, New Zealand had been her home for the past seven years, so it felt right to don black for the match. 

‘‘We’re supporting the winners - but seriously we will be happy with either win tonight.’’

The crowd was awash with black as people from all over New Zealand crowded into the Octagon supporting the home side. 

It promised to be a good night, Ms Gidding said. 



