Man jailed for strangulation

Photo: ODT files
Photo: ODT files
A Dunedin man who repeatedly strangled his partner and attempted to smuggle a knife into court has been jailed for more than two years.

Lokenitama Filipo, 40, appeared in the Dunedin District Court on Thursday after admitting strangling his partner four times between February and May last year.

On February 7, the defendant twisted the victim’s neck, causing her a bruised eye socket, bruised nose and swollen neck.

Months later, the victim, recently released from hospital for medical complications relating to previous assaults by the defendant, was subjected to another attack.

On this occasion, Filipo accused her of messaging another man, when, in fact, she was messaging her mother.

The victim stood up to leave, angering the defendant. He followed the woman and threw her to the ground, slamming her head on the ground in the process.

Filipo then climbed on top of her and, using his knee, applied pressure to her throat.

Fearing she would never see her children again, the victim video-called her mother, who witnessed the attack.

The defendant had both hands wrapped around her throat as she pleaded: "no", "stop".

The victim’s mother yelled that she was going to call the police, after which Filipo immediately released the victim and apologised.

Despite the repeated violence, the victim said she forgave the defendant and wanted to continue their relationship.

Judge David Robinson said the victim was "particularly vulnerable" after being released from the hospital following a previous assault.

Although the victim admitted she had been using illicit substances, the judge said "she should not feel anyway responsible for your actions towards her".

Less than two months later, while attending court, Filipo attempted to concealed a bayonet knife in a backpack. He claimed it was "one of his tools", and had forgotten it was in there.

Counsel Brian Kilkelly said his client was one of the first 501 deportees to be returned from Australia and had "no social support" and was "virtually on his own from day 1".

The defendant said he was determined to remain substance-free and was also keen to resume the relationship.

The judge, however, was concerned about the potential risk posed to the victim.

"This behaviour is about coercion, control and demonstrating that you could kill her."

Filipo was jailed for 27 months.

