Southern bowler to contest elite event

Gore Bowling Club member Sheldon Bagrie-Howley will travel to the Gold Coast next month to...
Gore Bowling Club member Sheldon Bagrie-Howley will travel to the Gold Coast next month to compete in the 2024 Golden Nugget. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Gore and New Zealand international bowler Sheldon Bagrie-Howley will be competing against many of the world’s top bowlers at one of the most sought-after invitational tournaments.

At the end of next month, he will participate in the 2024 Golden Nugget at Club Tweed in Australia.

Bagrie-Howley will head into the tournament with the highest world ranking of his career.

The 29-year-old is currently ranked at 16 on the World Bowls Series Male World Rankings.

"It’s pretty cool, to be fair.

"It’s a tournament I only ever thought about going to."

World No 1 ranked bowler Aaron Sherriff, No 2 Corey Wedlock and No 3 Aaron Teys will all compete at Club Tweed.

The invitation-only tournament had been a goal of his to attend.

"Obviously you want to do well but with the company that I’m in I’ve just got to try and perform the best that I can and let the results handle themselves."

Bagrie-Howley will compete in The Lion City Cup 2024 in Singapore from July 21 to July 27 and will then travel to the Gold Coast to compete at the Golden Nugget from July 29 to August 1.

He had bowled many times at the Gold Coast.

"The greens are completely different over there.

"You’re on an actual grass green, whereas over here we play on weed.

"So it’s all about adapting, really."

When he received an email with an invitation to tournament he remembered being "surprised".

"They put you up and everything.

"They pay for your entry, so you don’t really have to pay anything," Bagrie-Howley said.

The World Bowl Series Male World Rankings were released earlier this month.

"It’s pretty cool to start that high, or low.

"I was surprised, I haven’t looked into how the rankings work too much."

A calendar had been posted with events that counted towards a player’s ranking.

"Once it gets on its way and gets a lot clearer to follow, it will be cool to see if I can crack that top 10."

Bagrie-Howley is a member of the Gore Bowling Club.

He wanted to thank the Mataura Licensing Trust, the Gore and Districts Memorial RSA and the Croydon Aircraft Company for their continued support of his career.