Parsons received the award for her song Hardest Thing. The award celebrates unreleased songs from writers in New Zealand and Australia.
The Westport-raised artist was one of 10 finalists who performed their songs during the Country Music Honours evening held at Gore’s SBS St James Theatre on Sunday night.
Gore country music artist Nicola Mitchell’s song The Man Who Told Me was the runner-up.
New Zealand Songwriters’ Trust chairwoman Vanessa Small said Parsons was a deserving and unique artist.
"Her music is very captivating and her voice is, too."
The other finalists were Mark Casey and Lavina Williams, Jon Collins, Fiona Louise, Chad Robinson and Kate Targett-Adams, Rosie Teese, Karra Rhodes, Barry Saunders and Zac Griffith and co-writer Allan Caswell.
This year there were 159 entries for the award, compared to 88 last year.
"We’re extremely happy with that outcome. We put a lot into social media this year, pushing artists to enter," Small said.
The quality of the entries had been high and the calibre of finalists "better than ever".
"Really amazing. The quality of that top section is just amazing.
"I think it just shows the talent in New Zealand and beyond."
A lot of entries had been received from Australia, including finalist Jon Collins.
"It’s amazing that in Gore we have this [festival] and someone from Australia decides to come over."