Fencing will be installed at the stormwater catchment basins in Elizabeth St and Matai Ridge subdivision.
The fences will be DuraPanel Polo.
A report regarding the fencing options and risk assessment of the two sites was presented at a council meeting last week by Three Waters project engineer Terry Trotter.
Mr Trotter said the risk assessment was undertaken after residents complained that fences had not been installed before a flooding event in September.
Cr Stewart MacDonell was in favour of the fencing but questioned the resilience of DuraPanel.
"It’s aluminium and I’ve seen that stuff installed. It’s very flimsy," he said.
Mr Trotter agreed that there was a perception that the aluminium panels may not be as durable as other options.
"[It] isn’t as durable as steel because the powder coating tends to break down."
However, that breakdown would take about 10 to 12 years before it occurred.
He believed that Kinks Panel fencing would be more prone to vandalism due to its lightweight structure.
"There’s a lot of things to consider. It’s not so much the cost, but I think the durability and the aesthetics."
Deputy mayor Keith Hovell questioned why a diamond-mesh fence could not be used.
Mr Trotter responded.
"Although there is not a legal requirement to fence the basins, we try to align with what we do for swimming pools in terms of climbability.
"It’s noted that any type of mesh fence is climbable by infants.
"So that’s why we went with the vertical option.
"It meets the requirements."
Cr Bronwyn Reid said the report made it clear the council must fence the area.
The motion was carried to install the DuraPanel fence system at both basins at a total cost of $68,600.
Mayor Ben Bell said these seemed like very high prices for fencing.
"The cost is hard to stomach, but at the end of the day it’s for the safety of human life.
"That’s far more important than the costs we are presented with today."