Pasta bake recalled over fears it may contain metal

Photo: New Zealand Food Safety
Photo: New Zealand Food Safety
A Pam's brand pasta bake has been recalled from supermarket shelves as it may contain metal.

New Zealand Food Safety said it was supporting Foodstuffs in its recall of Pam’s Plant-based creamy pasta bake.

All batches and all dates are affected by the recall. 

The affected product is sold at Four Square, New World, Pak’n'Save, Trents and Raeward Fresh stores.

The issue was identified through routine testing, and there have been no reports of associated illness.

“If you have bought any of the affected product, do not consume it,” said NZFS acting deputy director-general Jenny Bishop.

“It can be returned to the place of purchase for a refund. Should you be unable to do this, throw it out.”

“If you or your family member have consumed any of this product and are concerned for your health, contact your health professional, or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free advice.”

“As is our usual practice, NZFS will work with Pam’s to understand how the contamination occurred and prevent its recurrence,” Ms Bishop said.