Trampolinists take to the air

ICE Gymsports member Meg Dunn, 14, of Rangiora. PHOTOS: SIMON HENDERSON
ICE Gymsports member Meg Dunn, 14, of Rangiora. PHOTOS: SIMON HENDERSON
The air was filled with tucks, twists and straddles during the Lower South Island Trampolining Championships at the Caledonian Gymnasium last weekend.

The two-day trampoline gymnastics event hosted by Dunedin Trampoline Sports and Aspiring Gymsports included athletes from clubs in Canterbury, Otago and Southland competing in individual and synchronised trampoline as well as double mini-trampoline categories.

Dynamic Gymnastic Sports founder and event manager Jenny Newstead MBE said about 85 gymnasts took part in the event, which was a national qualifier for the 2024 New Zealand Gymnastics Championships which will take place in Palmerston North in October.

Dunedin Trampoline Sports member Eliana Smart, 15, of Dunedin.
Dunedin Trampoline Sports member Eliana Smart, 15, of Dunedin.
This was the first time in 20 years that a qualifier had been held in Dunedin.

"We tried to create a nice, relaxed, friendly atmosphere for the athletes and judges and everybody."

She thanked the organising committee as well as the judges, sports clubs, organisations and other individuals who helped make the event a success.

Dunedin Trampoline Sports member Bronny Wilson, 15, of Dunedin.
Dunedin Trampoline Sports member Bronny Wilson, 15, of Dunedin.
"It was a huge team effort."

It was too soon to say if the event would be run again next year, she said.

"No decision's been made."

But she was in discussions with their host partner Aspiring Gymsports, of Wānaka, about how a potential event could also incorporate gymnastics tumbling.

Dynamic Gymnastic Sports member Laura Stanley, 14, of Ashburton, competes in the Lower South...
Dynamic Gymnastic Sports member Laura Stanley, 14, of Ashburton, competes in the Lower South Island Trampolining Championships at the Caledonian Gym on Sunday.
This would require finding another venue for tumbling competitions as the Caledonian Gymnasium was not long enough.

But there had been so much positive feedback about the weekend that the committee, in principle, had indicated it would like to run the event again, she said.

Dunedin Trampoline Sports committee member Kevin Phillips said trampoline gymnastics Olympians such as Dylan Schmidt and Maddie Davidson helped inspire others to take up the sport.

The feedback he had heard about the event had been "absolutely amazing".

Aspiring Gymsports Gymnastics member Katelyn Key, 15, of Wānaka.
Aspiring Gymsports Gymnastics member Katelyn Key, 15, of Wānaka.
"Everyone has enjoyed it."

Dunedin first place winners in the individual trampoline category included were Koby Stanton, (male 9-10 years) and Rio Bennet, (male 11-12 years).

Dunedin was also a winner in the double mini-trampoline category with first place going to Koby Stanton (male 9-10 years).