People filled the car-free "malls block" of George St yesterday as Dunedin’s Meridian, Golden Centre and Wall St Malls threw a party to celebrate the end of nearly three years of partial closures in the city’s main drag.
Retailers said the day was filled with an atmosphere of play and revealed potential for music festivals and open markets to be hosted in the street.
The celebrations included live entertainment and a spin the wheel with prizes for children.
Hundreds of people joined the celebrations with their families.
People dressed up in Star Wars cosplay and steampunk outfits to get among the festivities.

"It’s good to see everyone being able to run around safely without the cars."
He was a member of two Dunedin bands, Dale Kerrigan and Pearly*, and said the new infrastructure was an opportunity for Dunedin to host street festivals like the popular Cuba Dupa in Wellington which had hosted more than 100,000 attendees in the past.
"It would be so sick if we could use it for that because there are so many great bands and we’re lacking so much in venues at the moment.
"I’ve played multiple festivals in Wellington but never had the opportunity to play in a street festival in Dunedin because we haven’t had the infrastructure — and now we do."
Urban Crafters Shop volunteer Leanne McKendrick said it was nice to see so many people in the main street after such a long time.
She said although there was an advantage to having one lane with slowed-down traffic for elderly customers to access the street, it would be great to have days like yesterday when the street was closed to cars.
"We think it would be cool to have an open market day here like Thieves Alley."
A retail assistant at 3 Wise Men, Jack Hanan, said the changes were something that "needed to be done".
The new nearly $600,000 playground was right outside his shop and he said it brought people in.
"I’m thankful that it looks great and so much of the community and families are coming in."