Interest in reserves

A plan on how reserves and parks will be managed has attracted more interest than how the Waitaki District Council will spend almost $30 million in rates next financial year.

The draft Waitaki reserves management plan drew 105 submissions when they closed on Thursday, compared with 80 for the council's draft 2014-15 annual plan which sets the rates.

Initially, it was thought the recreation plan could get somewhat overlooked for the annual plan, but publicity about what it contained and the effects it could have resulted in a surge in public interest.

Most interest was in a proposal to demolish the aviaries in the Oamaru public gardens, making parks and reserves smokefree and landscape plans after tree-felling on Cape Wanbrow and other reserves in the district.

Recreation manager Erik van der Spek said yesterday submissions were being analysed and summarised for a report for councillors, who would also get a copy of all 105 comments.

They would then be considered by councillors at a meeting on June 25, at which verbal submissions would also be made.

From that meeting, councillors will decide what issues need further reports from officers for further deliberations next month.

The management plan addresses common issues across all parks and reserves, then looks at specific areas.

It ensures parks and reserves will be managed consistently, sets policies, ensures there is appropriate protection and provides processes for making decisions on use.

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