Happier with traffic light plan

North End business owners are now happier with the installation of pedestrian crossing lights in their business centre after a change in the plan, but still view them as only part of the solution to safety issues.

They have been arguing with the New Zealand Transport Agency, responsible for that section of Thames Highway through Oamaru's north end as part of State Highway 1, about the crossing lights plan, including whether they are needed, their positioning, the loss of two car parks and how the lights fit with neighbouring congestion problems.

The pedestrian crossing at the business centre has been the scene of many crashes, mostly rear-end, and crossing lights are seen by the agency as the way to resolve safety issues.

However, after a meeting organised by Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean between businesspeople and the agency on May 12, the agency has redesigned the lights and is seeking funding for an overall traffic safety study of the highway from Orwell St to the boundary of Oamaru.

The new lights plan was outlined to businesspeople last week by the agency's senior safety engineer, Roy Johnston.

A spokesman for the business owners, Tim Arthur, said yesterday they were happy with the changes, particularly the redesigning to keep the two car parks.

However, they also recognised the long-term future of the lights needed to be taken into account in the overall traffic study, the agency agreeing it would be an interim solution until the results of that were known.

Mr Arthur, along with others, had questioned the need for the crossing lights and whether they should be where the present pedestrian crossing is, but he said he had partly changed his mind.

When he came to his antique shop next to the crossing yesterday morning he saw a man standing there waiting to cross, but traffic, including two large trucks, ignored him.

''It will improve things for pedestrians, slow vehicles down and force them to stop,'' he said.

Mr Johnston said the lights would be installed as soon as possible.

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