Fair margin for convention centre

A total of 875 submissions were received on the Queenstown Lakes District Council's draft annual plan.

Submitters were asked questions about the proposed convention centre - of 622 submitters, 59.3% (369) said the council should proceed, while 40.7% (253) disagreed.

Submitters were asked if they supported the development of the Lakeview site to accommodate the convention centre, hot pools and other developments - 371 (62.7%) said yes, while 221 (37.3%) did not support it.

The council asked if submitters supported the proposed rate changes to fund council's share of the cost - 51.7% (314) did, while 48.3% (293) did not.

Other key questions were focused on the proposed Wanaka sports facility, with submitters asked if they supported the council beginning construction of the mix recommended by the steering group.

A total of 321 submitters (68.2%) said they did, while 150 (31.8%) did not.

The majority of respondents (74.2%) believed the proposed facility should be carried out in stages relative to population growth and demand, with the remaining 25.8% believing it should be built together now at a higher cost.

Of 482 submitters, 368 supported the council's policy to use district-wide rates to build and operate local recreational facilities and targeted local rates to pay for swimming pools.

If a law change meant funds from development contributions could not be used to help pay for Wanaka's facility, 94 submitters (20.2%) would prefer for the project to be scrapped; 143 (30.8%) preferred to continue and pay more in rates; and 228 (49%) preferred to reduce the scale of the project.

A total of 330 submitters (70.5%) believed the council should partner the Ministry of Eduction to construct a full-sized indoor sports court at the new Shotover Primary School at a cost of up to $1.6 million.

Regarding libraries, 318 submitters (70%) supported the extension of library opening hours at Glenorchy, Kingston, Hawea, Wanaka, Queenstown and Arrowtown; and 285 (59.5%) supported the council providing some services at libraries, such as paying rates and parking fines, and registering dogs.

In Wanaka's case, 50.7% (175) of the 345 submitters preferred the council to keep customer services at Ardmore St; 25.2% (87) preferred customer services staff be located at the library with an extension constructed to provide new community space; and 24.1% (83) preferred a reduction to the library back office space to provide additional community space and accommodate customer services staff in the library building.

Of 398 submitters, 336 (84.4%) agreed with the principles for managing the cost of water and wastewater services; and 247 of 410 submitters believed water metering could be an effective tool to manage the water and wastewater network.

A total of 96.4% of 416 submitters supported the council's policy of using operational surpluses to reduce debt.

Hearing submissions started in Queenstown on Monday and will continue in Wanaka today in the Ardmore Room at the Lake Wanaka Centre.

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