A more definitive answer about the future of the old Oamaru District Courthouse building, closed in 2011 due to earthquake risk, is also expected to be made later this month.
''I know many in Oamaru are keen to know the future of the old courthouse,'' Mr Borrows said.
''Officials are continuing to work on the best solution for this iconic Oamaru building.''
Since 2012, court hearings, which are held in Oamaru three to four days each month, have been conducted in the Oamaru Opera House.
''The Opera House was never a long-term solution for court hearings and I appreciate the patience and support of the Oamaru community while courts have operated from there,'' Mr Borrows said.
''But it's time to give the Opera House back to the people of Oamaru, and move these services to a new facility which is purpose-built for court proceedings.''
Once ground works are completed, a number of prefabricated buildings will be delivered to Oamaru.
The portable building will go on about a quarter of the Oamaru Licensing Trust car park in the southern corner fronting Humber St.
The courtroom and cells are being transported from Christchurch, where they have already been used as a temporary court facility.
A public waiting area and the staff and judge spaces have been constructed in Christchurch, specifically for Oamaru, and will also be transported to the site.