The Otago tennis team (from left, back row) Messrs Guy, Boddy, Bray, Black, McDougall, Clark (captain); (front) Misses Bagley, McLaren, McAdam, Barclay, Botting and Pattison. — Otago Witness, 1.4.1924
The Southland representatives are due in Dunedin on Saturday next, and the game will be played on the Anderson’s Bay courts. Otago will not be represented by its strongest team, but in the side that has been selected there are a number of our leading
players, and victory should rest with the home province, especially as it is unlikely that the visitors will be represented by their full strength. The players who have been nominated for practice in view of the matches against Canterbury and South Canterbury a week later represent the best that this province can produce, and if the six leading men and ladies can make the trip they should register a highly creditable performance against the strong opposition in Christchurch.
Cenotaph set for Queens Gardens
Another and it is to be hoped the final chapter in the somewhat inglorious history of the Dunedin soldiers’ memorial project was opened on Tuesday night, when the executive decided to make some important changes in the character of the enterprise. Once again there is to be a gallant attempt to bring the memorial project from its present rather forlorn stage to a successful conclusion. With this end in view a change of site has been decided upon. The Queen’s Gardens are to be substituted for Anzac Square. This alteration is due partly to the attitude of the Railway Department, which is professedly unable to guarantee permanent occupation of the Anzac Square site, and partly, it would seem, to a belief that the adoption of the new plan will have the effect of increasing the volume of subscriptions. The decision may be right or wrong, but we strongly urge that it should be accepted without demur. This is the last desperate effort, so to speak: there can be no further changes of plan. The credit of Dunedin is involved in this matter. It is important that the appeal for subscriptions, large or small, should evoke a widespread response. Given this, the memorial in its original form is assured. — editorial
Room to romp
Some time ago a reserve adjoining the St Clair beach was being levelled and cleaned in order to make a children’s playground. With the passing of the weeks the transformation has been made, and now it is a favourite rendezvous for the children. Swings and see-saws have been erected, and there is ample room for the children to romp about and spend the happy hours. This work has not only brought delight to the children, but it has also made a distinct improvement to the corner.
A line has been drawn
The broad white line which was recently painted down the centre of the footpaths in Dunedin to assist in enforcing the by-law “Keep to the left,” and which was soon obliterated by countless feet, has reappeared. The line, having for so long been invisible, and the public having fallen into a state of disregard, are now finding it difficult to realise its meaning. The police have been valiantly attempting to keep people to the left-hand side, but it seems a hopeless task. When only a few pedestrians are about it is a comparatively easy task, but with a large crowd the position is quite different. From the appearance of the white line it would appear that it will not be visible for long, as it is now obliterated in places — ODT, 7.2.1924