High St transport unravels
Owing to a strand in the cable breaking, the Mornington tramway service was suspended shortly before 7 o’clock last evening, and did not resume until late at night. A gang of men was soon on the scene, but the replacing of a strand is a long job, and many people had to walk home.
Knight and Lady applauded
At the monthly meeting of the Otago Hospital Board last night the chairman (Mr W.E.S. Knight) referred to the honour of knighthood which had been conferred on Dr Henry Lindo Ferguson. He moved "That it is with the greatest pleasure this board learns of the high honour which his Majesty the King has been pleased to bestow upon Dr Henry Lindo Ferguson by conferring upon him a knighthood. The Otago Hospital Board desires, therefore, to express its appreciation of the recognition of Sir Henry Ferguson’s services not only at the Dunedin Hospital, the Otago University and Dunedin City, but to the dominion of New Zealand generally as a whole, and extends to Sir Henry and Lady Ferguson its sincerest congratulations." Mr Knight said members of the board were quite well aware of the good work which Dr, now Sir Henry, Ferguson had done for the city during the course of the last 40 years. Lady Ferguson had been associated with the board as a member for many years, and had done excellent work. One of the things which would be gratefully remembered of Lady Ferguson was the treat she annually gave the old people. This was one of the things which the public know little or nothing of, and was lightly passed over. Mrs Jackson said she seconded the resolution with very great pleasure. She knows Lady Ferguson as an able colleague on the board, and as a frequent visitor with her to the old people of the city. Lady Ferguson did a great deal of good concerning which the people of Dunedin knew little or nothing. The motion was carried.
Fun designed by committee
The matter of amusement, which nowadays looms so largely in the estimation of so many people and especially in that of the rising generation, must not be lost sight of in our forthcoming Exhibition. The directors are fully alive to the requirements in this respect, and, being business men, one can rest assured they will not overlook the importance of amusements even from a revenue-producing point of view. At present there have been set up skeleton committees for two divisions, one dealing with the "Amusement Park" and the other with "Sports and Kindred Amusements." — ODT, 1.2.1924
Compiled by Peter Dowden