Turbo-charging junior golf

Coach Simon Boland helping young golfer Lucy Warnaar. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Coach Simon Boland helping young golfer Lucy Warnaar. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A new development fund’s offering $10,000 a year to junior Whakatipu golfers.

Available to players from 5 to 18, the Whakatipu Youth Golf Fund can be used for coaching, golf equipment, competition costs, travel costs or Futures Whakatipu membership costs — to a maximum of $500 per applicant.

It’s been set up by the Whakatipu Junior Golf Club Charitable Trust and the Wombles Golfing Society.

The former Wakatipu Junior Golf Club (WJGC) was so successful it was taken over by Golf NZ and rebranded Futures Whakatipu.

In the process, WJGC accumulated funds that need to be used.

The Wombles society, meanwhile, comprises golfers who’ve been quietly raising money for junior golf while playing courses around the region over the years.

For the first round, applications open this coming Monday and close February 13 via the Wakatipu Community Foundation, which is administering the fund.

They’ll be assessed by WJGC trustees and a representative from Futures Whakatipu.

WJGC chair Stephen Brent says he hopes the fund "will help more juniors get into golf and pursue their golfing dreams".

"With 180 players already members of Futures Whakatipu, we are expecting a high number of applications.

"This is a pretty unique opportunity we are offering our local youngsters.

"Watching their golf develop as a result is going to be very satisfying."

Application forms and more info at wakatipucommunity foundation.org under ‘scholarships’.

Though the fund’s coffers are currently pretty healthy, anyone wishing to bolster them can also get in touch with the foundation.

