A bit too wordy and scary for young children

BIDIBIDI<br><b>Gavin Bishop</b><br><i>Scholastic</i>
BIDIBIDI<br><b>Gavin Bishop</b><br><i>Scholastic</i>
This is the story of Bidibidi the sheep who grows tired of living in the barren mountains and decides to change her life for the better.

She follows a rainbow, facing many dangers and challenges along the way until she finds a place she belongs.

I'm not sure who this story will appeal to; the text is quite wordy and the illustrations, while impressive, not very colourful.

Also at times they're a bit scary, such as the ghost hotel and the silhouetted men enjoying a lamb roast. Ages: 4+.

- Laura Hewson is an Allied Press subeditor and mother.


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