Gatekeepers and the press

Children with their heifer calf entries at the North Otago A and P Show. — Otago Witness, 27.11.1923
Children with their heifer calf entries at the North Otago A and P Show. — Otago Witness, 27.11.1923
The Clutha and Matau A. and P. Society’s fifty-seventh annual show was concluded at Balclutha yesterday in ideal weather conditions. Although figures were not obtainable there was evidence that the attendance was a record one. From early morning till after 3 p.m. the crowds commenced to flock to the ground. These came by motor car principally, although the trains carried their full quota of passengers, especially the trains from the Owaka district. Among those present were Mr John Edie, M.P., and many prominent businessmen from Dunedin, also Mr John Craig, inspector of the S.P.C.A. who fortunately did not find much which required his official attention. The various officials of the society worked hard to make the show the success it was, but there was a lack of organisation, which militated against smooth running. This was probably due to the fact that a secretary had only recently been appointed to the position, and was not au fait with the multifarious duties pertaining to the office of a show secretary. One thing is evident, that an improvement in this respect will have to be made if the society is to achieve 
the success it hopes for. The reporters present worked under great disadvantages. The usual courtesies in the matter of complimentary tickets for admission to the ring and grounds were not extended to the Dunedin press, with the result that reporters were not infrequently challenged by gatekeepers, who were only carrying out their duties, and could scarcely be blamed for refusing press reporters and photographers admittance to the ring. Reporters were indebted to Messrs J. Sinclair and K. M'Lintock, who filled the position of press stewards, for a good deal of the information supplied.

Us and them
Humorous references to the rivalries of the north and south were made by the Hon. W. Downie Stewart at the Chamber of Commerce dinner last evening. Replying to the toast of  “The New Zealand Parliament” he said: “I am not quite sure, whether I should reply to this toast, there is a popular suspicion in the south that New Zealand's affairs are controlled by Mr Gunson and the people of Auckland (Laughter.) Southern people marvelled at the array of improvements recently carried out in Auckland, Mr Stewart continued, and they noted with interest that Auckland's latest enterprise was to acquire possession of a telescope.— (Laughter). The pretext was, he understood, that the Aucklanders proposed finding new stars, but he was told that the Council was only looking for new planets on which to spend its money.— (Renewed laughter.) He hoped, when they were not so busy, that the councillors would find another planet — in the South Island. (Renewed laughter.) He hoped that Auckland would expand so rapidly that it would establish contact with Dunedin. “I am quite prepared to believe that the citizens of Dunedin will in that event be fully prepared to be taken in as a suburb of Auckland. 

Husband-seekers not welcome
Miss Gladys Pott, who was lately in New Zealand with the British Overseas Settlement Delegation, has carried back to London good impressions of what the dominion can offer British girls who are prepared to emigrate. In the course of an interview she has stated that she found the vast majority of British girl migrants in Australia and New Zealand well contented with their lot, especially with the greater freedom, better climatic conditions, and higher wages. Nor does Miss Pott leave the matter there. "I am strongly against allowing girls to travel to the dominions," she declares,  "for the sake of finding a husband. The girl who goes with that idea is not the type that Australia or New Zealand wants." These are sentiments to be applauded. This dominion can offer plenty of employment to genuine domestic workers, but has no desire to be generous in making the way easy for an incursion of mere husband-seekers in disguise. — ODT, 24.11.1923