Einstein vindicated
Further confirmation of the Einstein theory of relativity has been found in the plates secured by the Cordilly Downs party, which observed the solar eclipse last year. According to these measurements, the deflection of light from the stars in the vicinity of the sun at the time of the eclipse was 2.15 seconds of an arc, or slightly greater than was predicted by Professor Einstein and a little greater than the amount obtained by the other observing parties. The Einstein theory predicted the displacement of starlight in its passage near the sun.
War memorial bridge
Some weeks ago a movement was set on foot to establish a fund for an Otago University war memorial, and a committee was set up to report on various suggestions as to the form the memorial should take. The ideas considered included a bridge across the Leith from Castle street to the main entrance to the University, while a further proposal was the installation of a clock and chimes in the vacant clock tower. The choice of the committee has fallen, however, upon a "University Walk" encircling the University buildings and embracing the banks of the Leith on one side and on the other that portion of Leith street adjacent to the University grounds. The whole idea will be placed before a meeting to be held in Allen Hall tomorrow night.
University opposes tramline
At a special meeting of the Dunedin City Council last night the Tramways Committee’s proposals with regard to extensions were considered. Clause 5 proposed an extension from Pelichet Bay to Harbour terrace, via Union street, the estimated cost of which was £3600. Cr Douglas said, in moving the adoption of the clause, that there was to be a conference shortly between the Exhibition directors the Harbour Board, and the council.
From a tramway point of view to serve Pelichet Bay the cheapest way was by Union street, but they had received an objection from the University Council. Under these circumstances the committee would like to look into the whole question. It might be advisable to approve of the Pelichet Bay line and give the council authority to alter the route and take it down Frederick street. It was suggested to leave out the question of the street. Cr Shacklock said he thought the line to Pelichet Bay should go down Union street. The tram might affect instruments, but they could be placed where they would not be affected by electric currents and so on. In the event of the Exhibition being at Lake Logan a line down Union street would serve quite well. It was decided to refer the clause back to the committee. — ODT, 15.11.1923