120 Otago professors write letter of concern

The Otago University Students' Association has disaffiliated with the Elohim Bible Academy. Photo...
Photo: ODT files
The majority of University of Otago professors - understood to be more than 120 - have signed a letter to the institution’s leadership expressing concern about the way restructuring is being handled, the Otago Daily Times understands.

The concern from professors comes as the university goes through financial difficulties and looks to make savings through a variety of means, including the restructuring of various departments.

Several sources told the newspaper the professors who signed the letter were concerned about decision-making at the university and had called on acting vice-chancellor Prof Helen Nicholson to reconsider the approach.

The newspaper also understands the letter refers to previous initiatives such as the shared services review - which restructured the way administration staff worked - and calls for an overhaul of the senior leadership team.

It is understood the signatories are seeking a greater role for academics in decision-making at the university.

The ODT asked the university if the chancellor or acting vice-chancellor had received the letter and for the university’s response.

A spokeswoman said the "vice-chancellor and chancellor often engage with staff who wish to discuss university matters and we consider those discussions private".

The university is undertaking a major review of its programmes and papers as part of efforts to make permanent cost savings of $60 million from its operating budget.

It accepted 107 voluntary redundancies earlier this year, including 36 from the health sciences division, 14 from science, eight from commerce, 10 from humanities, 22 from operations and 17 from the academic, external engagement, financial services and research areas.

There have since been job cuts following reviews in several academic departments, including peace and conflict studies, geology, science communication and the languages programme.

Reviews of several other schools and departments are ongoing.


