Buildings’ fate to be decided

Several council-owned buildings will be under the microscope next week as councillors discuss the pros and cons of retaining them.

Invercargill City Council staff will present a report at Tuesday’s infrastructure committee meeting detailing the strategic value of six properties across the city, and councillors will consider their potential for re-purposing or sale.

The report came following a long-term plan discussion for disposal options in May this year when councillors requested that under-utilised, or non-strategic land parcels be presented to a committee for consideration.

The most valuable of the properties is 11 Leven St, a carpark valued at $6.5 million.

The report shows the carpark generates revenue through monthly leases, but requires about $50,000 for yearly maintenance costs.

The second-most valuable building is 141 Bond St valued at $2.2m, which is classified for industrial usage.

The other buildings up for discussion include 131 Esk St, valued at $790,000, 116 Esk St/30 Deveron St (Southland Times building and carpark), valued at $270,000, 313 Bay Rd, valued at $680,000, and 40a Glengarry Cres, valued at $41,000.