Four students in car crashes

Four University of Otago students from Dunedin were involved in two crashes on State Highway 8, between Roxburgh and Alexandra, on Saturday.

Constable Dave Greaves, of Alexandra, said three American exchange students were travelling north from Dunedin to Queenstown when the driver lost concentration on a straight stretch of road shortly after Fruitlands about 11.20am.

The women, who are all in their early 20s, were not seriously injured in the incident, during which their vehicle veered to the left of the road, causing the driver to overcorrect it.

"The vehicle hit a bank on the right side of the road and bounced a few times before coming to a stop on the left side of the road again.

"It was written-off and had to be towed away but all women came away with minor bumps and bruises," Const Greaves said.

A second single vehicle crash occurred in similar circumstances about 4.45pm just north of Butchers dam, when a teenage University of Otago student from Dunedin was driving towards Alexandra.

It appears the woman, who was the sole occupant of the vehicle, lost concentration, causing the car to veer left, after which she overcorrected it and it slid across the road and hit a rock, Const Greaves said.

The vehicle then "vaulted" and completed about one and three-quarter flips before coming to a stop off the road.

"The driver has a very small cut at the top of her left thumb, so she was very lucky," Const Greaves said.

Two Alexandra fire appliances attended each crash.

Police are continuing to investigate whether charges will be laid in relation to either incident.


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