Competitions attract talent

A montage of winners from the Dunedin Competitions Society's 22nd annual festival. — Otago...
A montage of winners from the Dunedin Competitions Society's 22nd annual festival. — Otago Witness, 30.10.1923
The Competitions Society’s annual festival was continued yesterday, when 11 more items were disposed of, and another was partly heard.

His Majesty’s Theatre, Victoria Hall and Burns Hall were brought into requisition in the daytime, and the first-named building at night. The public generally are showing a great deal of interest in the festival, and the attendances were very satisfactory.

Movement to form at Andy Bay

The Boy Scout Movement has languished in Dunedin for some time past. The movement is one, however, that has a very great deal to recommend it.  Recognising this, the Rotary Club of Dunedin has identified itself with an effort which is directed to the revival of the Boy Scouts’ organisation in this city, and, as a first step towards this end, prominent members of the club have agreed to deliver addresses at a meeting which is being held in Anderson’s Bay tonight for the purpose of forming a troop of Boy Scouts in that district.

Gallant rescue honoured

A pleasant function took place at the premises of Messrs T. Scurr and Co. coachbuilders, Cumberland street, yesterday afternoon, when Mr Leslie R. Henderson was presented with a medal for rescuing a boy named D. White from drowning in the Woodhaugh Gardens swimming pond in January last. The medal was given by Mr J. White, father of the boy, who felt he should make some recognition of Mr Henderson’s gallant act. This is the second occasion on which Mr Henderson has saved a life. Some time ago he rescued a child from drowning in the same pond. In making the presentation, Mr J. Scurr, principal of the firm, said that the occasion was a unique one. They had met to do honour to the youngest member of the staff. Mr and Mrs White were very grateful to Mr Henderson. He regretted that through some misunderstanding, Mr White was not present when their fellow-employee was presented with the Royal Humane Society’s certificate by the Mayor in the Town Hall in August. He felt exceedingly proud of the fact that a member of the staff had distinguished himself in such a noble manner. Replying on behalf of his son, Mr J. Henderson said that he felt sure that his son appreciated the medal very much. He thanked them for gathering together and honouring his son in such a manner. (Applause.) The medal bears the following inscription: "To L.R. Henderson, for gallant rescue of D. White, 6.1.23." 

Precepts of citizenship

Commandments taught to Japanese children in one of their school books: (l) Be loyal — venerate the Empire, serve your country. (2) Care for your parents — remember their love and affection. (3) Love the members of your family and live in unity and peace. (4) Do good to others. (5) Speak the truth. (6) Study the past. (7) Be kind to the poor. (8) Be careful what you eat and drink. (9) Have a noble ambition and a high spirit, no matter how poor you are. (10) Observe the teaching of your ancestors for the honour of home and country.

When Toitū went olde English

"Wirthwyle" is the name given to "Ye Complete Village" that will greet the eyes of the public on October 2 and 3 in the Early Settlers’ Hall. The transformation of the hall to an English village, with its accompanying fair, should excite the greatest admiration. Old timbered houses will be much in evidence.

ODT, 25.9.1923  (Compiled by Peter Dowden)