Conduct complaint against Carmen Houlahan

Carmen Houlahan. Photo: ODT files
Carmen Houlahan. Photo: ODT files
A code of conduct complaint has been laid against Cr Carmen Houlahan by former Dunedin deputy mayor Sophie Barker. 

It is the second code of conduct complaint laid by Cr Barker in less than a week. 

Cr Barker and Cr Jim O’Malley on Friday laid a code of conduct complaint against Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich for minimising a racial slur in a radio interview. 

In the fallout from that episode, Cr Barker resigned as deputy mayor yesterday.

Before Cr Barker's resignation Cr Houlahan accused  her of pursuing the code of conduct complaint in an effort to further her political career.

This afternoon it was Cr Houlahan’s turn to be on the receiving end of a code of conduct complaint laid by Cr Barker. 

A Dunedin City Council spokesman confirmed the complaint: "The Chief Executive will work through a process regarding this." 

The spokesman said the council had yet to appoint an independent investigator regarding the complaint against the mayor. 

"It is possible that both complaints will be managed by the same investigators, that is yet to be determined.” 

Yesterday Cr Houlahan accused Cr Barker of "starting campaigning now for her mayoral run two years out from the next election". 

Cr Barker slated Cr Houlahan for producing "ridiculous theories", "damaging speculation" and "wild, unsubstantiated accusations". 



