You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. 0 Comments PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON. Dunedin police arrested a man in Kaikorai Valley Rd yesterday morning after he was seen driving erratically with a firearm present. He was taken into custody. No further details were available last night. Related Stories SUBSCRIBER Dunedin sex offender beat and bribed children Fatal stabbing shown at bus hub trial SUBSCRIBER Mosgiel man in fatal crash had meth in system SUBSCRIBER Former Clinton cop on cannabis charge Bus hub fatal stabbing trial begins SUBSCRIBER 14 ribs broken during assault SUBSCRIBER Man who exploited children online jailed SUBSCRIBER Victim’s jaw fractured in attack by students Dunedin men arrested for allegedly importing drugs SUBSCRIBER Dunedin man cleared of sexual assault SUBSCRIBER 'Appalling': Dunedin man ripped off seagull's head for stealing his food SUBSCRIBER Alleged rape puts Dunedin street on high alert More