Lyric is the only 100% invisible extended wear hearing aid that is worn 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for up to several months at a time. It is positioned completely inside the ear canal, and uses the ear’s anatomy to provide natural sound quality. Studies have found that Lyric has been preferred by 86% of people who wore traditional hearing aids.
What are the outstanding characteristics of Lyric?
• Lyric is placed deep in the ear canal and is completely invisible.
• Only the Lyric user will know why he/she is hearing better.
• Lyric can be worn during daily activities, such as exercising, showering, talking on the phone and sleeping.
• There are no batteries to change, no daily maintenance is needed, and no daily insertion or removal is required.
• Lyric is placed deep in the ear canal and delivers exceptional sound quality in both quiet and noisy environments.
• Lyric uses the anatomy of the ear and the ear canal for a natural perception of sound.
Audiology South’s clinicians have been extensively trained in fitting Lyric devices and are currently the only provider in the lower South Island.
Our clinics are locally owned. As we’re not tied to a specific hearing aid supplier, we can offer a full range of devices so you can be sure you’re getting the solution that’s right for you. We’re local for your convenience, with clinics in all the main cities and towns in the lower south.
Our leading team of audiologists have years of professional experience, knowledge and skills to ensure you get the best outcome for your hearing. They are backed by a helpful, friendly customer care team. Because we live and work in your community, you can be sure of consistent, quality care and continuity of service.