Police kept busy at weekend dealing with driving infractions

A man with the munchies who was passed out behind the wheel was among the people Dunedin police had to deal with at the weekend.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said police responded to a call from McDonald’s Andersons Bay at 2am yesterday.

A 39-year-old man was allegedly passed out over his steering wheel while going through the McDonald’s drive-through.

Police invoked a warrantless search of his vehicle and found small amounts of drugs which, when checked, turned out to be GHB, MDMA and cocaine.

The driver failed a compulsory impairment test.

His licence was suspended for 28 days and he has received a summons to appear in court.

On Saturday at 12.05am, Dunedin police stopped a vehicle they saw driving down Anzac Ave with no lights on.

A 30-year-old woman was behind the wheel.

She underwent breath testing procedures and recorded a blood alcohol level of 721mcg.

Her driver’s licence was suspended for 28 days.

She was also charged with driving under the influence and summoned to appear in court.

On Friday, a 36-year-old man was stopped by police after overtaking a police patrol car at 143kmh on the Kilmog at 5.10pm.

Police stopped the driver, suspended his driver’s licence for 28 days, and issued an infringement notice for speeding.

Later that night, police stopped a vehicle speeding and swerving within its lane.

In the car was a 27-year-old man and his young son.

The driver admitted to drinking, underwent breath testing procedures and recorded a breath alcohol level of 247mcg.

He received an infringement notice.

Police were busy at work at the checkpoints around the city on Saturday, Snr Sgt Bond said.

At a checkpoint on Highgate at 8.30pm, Dunedin police witnessed a 27-year-old man turning away from the checkpoint.

Police caught the man a few streets away.

He recorded a breath alcohol level of 600mcg, and was summoned to appear in court.

Earlier, at another checkpoint in Taieri Rd, police found an 18-year-old man driving while disqualified.

The man recorded a breath alcohol level of 233mcg and was arrested and charged with drink-driving and driving while disqualified.

His car was impounded.

About the same time, a 65-year-old man stopped short of the checkpoint, to allegedly avoid driving through.

When the man underwent breath testing procedures, he recorded a breath alcohol level of 398mcg.

Police issued the man with an infringement notice.



