Kurow's playground, which has some equipment out of action for safety reasons, is to get a makeover and a roadside perimeter fence to make it safer.
The Kurow Playground Group has asked the Ahuriri Community Board at its meeting on Monday to help improve the playground from a $5827 fund, allocated by the Waitaki District Council as seeding funds for playgrounds in Kurow, Otematata and Omarama.
The issue facing the board is how much of that should be allocated to Kurow or whether it should be equally divided.
The idea was the fund could be used as a basis for getting grants and donations from other organisations if significant projects were planned at the playgrounds.
A fence surrounding the playground is also planned, which will make it safer for children from traffic in the Hydro Pl car park next door and nearby streets.
All the Waitaki Valley Community Society wanted from the board was approval for the fence as it already had $8680 from the Transpower Community Care Fund to pay for the materials, project co-ordinator Thea McTeigue said.
''The project has been endorsed by Kurow Plunket and the community,'' she said.
Volunteers, under the direction of a local builder, would put up the fence and ongoing maintenance would be minimal, as powder-coated metal materials would be used, she said.