Climate concerns get airing

The latest in a series of climate strikes has taken on a grander scale in hopes of forging "a resilient Ōtepoti."

About 150 people gathered in the Octagon yesterday afternoon to call for greater action on climate change.

The aim of the event was to create a space where people could connect with each other and be open and honest about their climate anxiety, Fridays for Future Ōtepoti co-ordinator Alenna McLean said.

Photo: Peter McIntosh
Photo: Peter McIntosh
The protesters came with a list of demands, including for emissions to be reduced immediately and for the voting age to be lowered to 16.

A range of musicians, poets and speakers contributed to the event.

Among the groups present were Seniors Climate Action Network, Logan Park and Bayfield High Schools, Forest & Bird and International Socialists.

Dunedin city councillors Sophie Barker and Jim O’Malley were also present, holding signs in support.


TIM SCOTT PIJF cadet reporter



