Hundreds at lifestyle expo

Hundreds of North Otago people had a chance to learn about healthy and active living at the "Back to the Future" lifestyle expo at the Waitaki Community Recreation Centre and Orana Park yesterday.

There was information on every imaginable thing to improve lifestyles, ranging from the use of computers and fitness equipment through to recycling and composting.

The biennial expo, run by Halo (Health and Active Living Oamaru) was first held 10 years ago and has grown in size.

Media liaison officer Helen Algar said this year there was a greater variety among the 55 stalls and the two marquees operated by the Waitaki resource Recovery Park.

There was also a lot more interest this year from younger people.

With no entry fee but a gold coin donation, it was hard to judge how many people attended the expo, although organisers said it was in the hundreds, evenly spread between the 10am and 4pm it was open.

"The feedback has been amazing, both from stallholders and people who came to the expo," Mrs Algar said.

The expo theme this year was "zero waste", incorporating recycling, minimising residual waste and creative thinking about waste, with help and advice from the resource recovery trust. The expo is aimed at promoting health lifestyles and incorporated community and family health, disability, physical activity, nutrition, sports and recreation.


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