Small singers, big sounds

Isabella Borjas Rangel performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 years, category.
Isabella Borjas Rangel performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 years, category.
Maxwell Cathro performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 category.
Maxwell Cathro performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 category.
 Lucy Appleton sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under 16 years.
Lucy Appleton sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under 16 years.
Aria Wilson sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under 16 years.
Aria Wilson sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under 16 years.
Deacon Kynan-Wilde sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under-16.
Deacon Kynan-Wilde sings in the sacred song category, 14 and under-16.
Jamie Hannagan performs in the action song in character, 10 and under-12 category.
Jamie Hannagan performs in the action song in character, 10 and under-12 category.
Haylee McDonald performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 category.
Haylee McDonald performs in the action song in character, 12 and under-14 category.
 Sienna McAra sings in the musical theatre song, under 12 years.
Sienna McAra sings in the musical theatre song, under 12 years.
Ripeka Potiki performs in the National song,16 and under 18.
Ripeka Potiki performs in the National song,16 and under 18.
Harriet Kyd sings in the musical theatre song, under-12 section.
Harriet Kyd sings in the musical theatre song, under-12 section.

In its 75th year, the three-day Green Island Junior Vocal Competitions drew 35 entrants at the weekend. 

The competition for under-21-year-old performers was held at the Coronation Hall in Mosgiel on Friday, Saturday and yesterday.

This year, two new categories — contemporary and waiata — were introduced. "Although we had fewer competitors, it packed a big punch", committee member Jill Rutherford said.

Otago Daily Times photographer Peter McIntosh took in Saturday’s performances.


