Awards judge Jenny Longstaff, of Dunedin, said the exhibition showcased a range and quality of art, and it was difficult to choose some over others.
''All the works I have chosen are absolutely worthy of the awards.''
She encouraged artists to embrace risk, to bring out their creativity.
About 70 people attended the exhibition's official opening, which attracted 53 entries from 32 artists in the TrustPower awards.
The company's community relations manager, Graeme Purches, who has been attending the awards for several years, said it was ''great exhibition'' of Southern talent.
Mr Purches said he had recently read a travel story on Clutha in a daily newspaper and was frustrated it did not mention some of the area's cultural attractions.
''Balclutha has a fabulous art gallery and local artists ... a good museum ... and a good theatrical society.''
''This exhibition is really special.''
The range and quality of art was of an outstanding nature, he said.
Mosgiel woman Marie Reid won the TrustPower award with her painting Catlins Cuties, which features three young waxeyes sitting on a fence, with another perched on branches and a fifth in flight.
Irene Dinnissen, of Balclutha, was judged second, and Margaret Palmer-McKenzie, of Gore, was third. Karen Pringle, of Invercargill, and Julie Duncan, of Gore, received merit awards.
Balclutha woman Maxine Evans won the Rosebank Four Square still-life award and Beth Hewlett, of Gore, won the Cleverley Auto award.
The Edna Peterson award, to be decided by public vote, will be awarded to the most popular work by an Art South Otago member.
The exhibition is open at the Creative Arts Centre in Balclutha until Sunday, December 10, from 10am to 4.30pm daily.