Tattoo artist inking international repute

Wayne Meddings tattoos Trey Watene at Cornerstone Ink in George St, Dunedin. PHOTOS: PETER MCINTOSH
Wayne Meddings tattoos Trey Watene at Cornerstone Ink in George St, Dunedin. PHOTOS: PETER MCINTOSH
A Dunedin tattoo artist is using his gun like a Viking axe, and it is reaping rewards.

Cornerstone Ink owner Wayne Meddings has been internationally recognised as a leading artist in the European-historical style of tattooing.

The style includes various patterns and designs linked to a person’s European lineage.

He was recently featured in a book curated by "one of the best" European-style tattoo artists, Peter Madsen.

Mr Madsen is a Da Vinci in the tattooing world, specialising in Nordic-English styles.

His ability to tattoo complex designs on to the body freehand makes him one of the best in the style, Mr Meddings said.

"It’s awesome to be featured ... Peter Madsen is my favourite artist," he said.

The Nordic Tattoo Vol. 1 curated a range of international artists specialising in English, Celtic and other European-style tattoos.

The Mosgiel-born artist’s inclusion in the book helped garner international recognition.

An example of Mr Meddings’ work. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
An example of Mr Meddings’ work. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
"We had a guy from Northern Ireland come in for traditional Irish work ... That felt pretty awesome," he said.

Despite the significance of the credit, he still considers himself early in his career.

"I’ve been tattooing for about nine years now. My career has only taken off in the last couple of years," he said.

Cornerstone Ink was established in 2017 and expanded into a studio "three to four times" the size of the original last December.

"If I’ve got more artists in my shop it means I can concentrate on my genre," he said.

He visited Mr Madsen’s shop in England six months ago, where he received a tattoo from Mr Madsen and worked on his tattooing skills.

"Me and my wife Lorna plan to go back next year.

"I will hopefully have a guest spot in Peter’s shop to tattoo for a day," he said.

