Southern outpost worth a visit

Reopening of the southernmost post office on Ulva Island, in Stewart Island’s Paterson’s Inlet. —...
Reopening of the southernmost post office on Ulva Island, in Stewart Island’s Paterson’s Inlet. — Otago Witness, 10.4.1923
Each holiday resort in this favoured country has its own special attractions, but few can rival and none excel the island that lies just across Foveaux Strait. It is not so easily reached as some, and the tug journey across a sea, that is often rough and choppy deters many timid travellers from making the trip, but they soon find on reaching land that life is well worth living. We visited Ulva Island, Maori Beach, Ocean Beach, Glory Harbour (in which the British Fleet might float in safety), Kaipipi, and the southern arm of the inlet, and each trip was exceedingly delightful. 

A plain proof of the allurements of the island lies in the fact that those who have once visited it are eager to visit it again. No motor cars or cycles hoot along its roads. The telephone — the jingling fiend of civilisation — is never heard. The chief annoyance that vexes visitors is the sandflies, which are of a vicious and venomous kind, the very yawn of Beelzebub, but all human happiness has some draw-backs, and those irritating torments but slightly detract from the benefits which the healthy country confers.

Is honey a fruit?

A case of considerable interest and importance to the small shopkeeper in some lines was heard by Mr H.W. Bundle SM yesterday, when T.E. Sager was proceeded against by the Labour Department under the Shops and Offices Act, 1921. The charge was one of failing to close his fruiterer’s shop on the afternoon of December 16, notwithstanding that he had honey exposed for sale. A plea of not guilty was entered, and Mr F.C. Hay represented the defendant. The contention of the department was that honey was looked upon as a grocery line although most fruiterers have stocked honey for some years. Mr Hay submitted that the intention of the Act was to control the hours of trading, and if the decision was against the defendant the matter would be of such importance to the fruiterers and to the honey producers of the country that steps would have to be taken to get the Act amended. The grocers did not wish to handle the comb honey, and the fruiterers sold more honey than any other trade. Counsel argued particularly that honey was to be classed as a sweetmeat, and showed that provision for the selling of sweetmeats by confectioners was made in the Act. In reply, Inspector Kinsman held that sections 2 and 21 of the Act definitely defined fruiterer. If Mr Hay’s contention was correct many grocers could keep open to all hours because they stocked fruit. Decision was reserved.

Chief nurse off to wed

A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the Somerset Lounge of the Savoy, where a number of ladies met at the invitation of Mrs J. Macfie to do honour to Miss Holmes (the retiring matron of the Wakari Hospital), who is about to be married. The guests were received by Mrs Grubb and Miss Nosworthy (acting matron of the Dunedin Hospital), in the unavoidable absence, through illness, of Mrs Macfie. The entertainment took the form of a kitchen afternoon and the presents were numerous and useful. Mrs Grubb, in proposing the health of the guest of honour, said that she would be greatly missed by the soldier patients of the Wakari Hospital as she had been a Florence Nightingale to them.   Miss Holmes was presented with a beautiful bouquet of pink carnations and gypsophilia from Mrs Macfie. — ODT, 13.2.1923

Compiled by Peter Dowden