You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image.By Shawn McAvinue 0 Comments Ryan Powley (11) and his sister Anna Powley (9), of Clinton, pat their South Suffolk lamb Poppy. Sitting in the hub of a tractor wheel are siblings (from left) Abby (5), Sophia (4) and Emily (3) Gunton, of Riversdale. Blair Lennon, of Gore, and Clydesdale horse Flash (left) and Harry take people for rides. Inspecting a pen of sheep at the 140th Gore A&P Show on Saturday are siblings Alice Phillips (4) and Lachie Phillips (7), of Otama Valley. Levi Goodall, of Gore, flips his bike over a group of spectators. Hundreds of people flocked to the 140th Gore A&P Show on Saturday. Shawn McAvinue was there to catch some of the action.Southern Rural Life Related Stories A&P show proves a popular day out Crowds up, livestock entries down Shear for Life returning next month Clearance sale marks end of 50-year era Claim euthanasia due to rodeo injury rare Bull put down after injury at Te Anau Rodeo SUBSCRIBER ‘Lots of talking’ behind cherry spitting success Electrification advocate wins green award Community celebrates rural champions Staff members celebrate 75 years of research Meet with farmers lives up to name Champion ram More