Concept designs for new boat ramp and jetties

Supplied graphic.
Supplied graphic.
The Bluff Community Board chairman hopes boaties will be able to benefit from a new boat and jetty ramp by next summer after a series of delays.

Last year, the Invercargill City Council included in its long-term plan a budget of $1.8 million to carry out upgrades of the ramp in the coastal community as it has degraded since its construction more than 30 years ago.

The upgrade was planned to be completed by the end of this year — but at the end of last year the council’s project management office undertook a budget review and found the project scope was well outside the budget, with a gap ranging from $1.4 million to $2.4 million, and decided to have another look at the project.

From that, it was decided to build a new boat ramp and two floating pontoons either side that would be able to withstand all weather — including the howling westerly winds that often obstruct boaties coming into Bluff Harbour.

This week, the council released updated preliminary concept designs for the new plan.

Community board chairman Ray Fife said the project was very important for the seaside community.

"It’s been a bit frustrating waiting for the project to progress but I’m pleased to see some significant advancements being made now."

While he said he had no information of when it would be completed, he hoped it would be under way by mid-next year for people to be able to use it by summer.

"People asked me about it all the time ... We hope to have it ready by next summer but you never know.

"I look forward to seeing the end result and more boaties making the most of the stunning southern scenery."

Council programme director Lee Butcher said a steering group was in discussions to make sure the ramp and pontoons were placed in a way that would benefit everyone.

It had engaged with the Bluff community, Bluff Yacht Club, recreational fishermen and the Southland Trailer Yacht Squadron to determine the needs of users and the design that would best fit everyone using it.

"We are being very careful to make sure this facility will be functional for all users, from those with dinghies to those with pleasure crafts.

"Once it is finished, I’m expecting it to be a drawcard for boat users all over the country."

Mr Butcher said consent had been granted for the east jetty, including the boat ramp, and council was in the process of gaining consent for the west jetty.




