Wakatipu High School pupils, staff and parents have voted overwhelmingly to adopt the proposed new uniforms, which will bolster pride in the school and improve its image, principal Steve Hall says.
All new year 9 pupils will wear the complete new uniform from next year while pupils in other years wear the tops and the bottoms, but not the new blazer. Instead, they can wear all the options which are still available.
The transition will continue in 2014 and all the pupils will be in their new uniforms in 2015.
The board of trustees approved the introduction of the proposed new uniform last week based on the results of a school community vote which closed on August 1.
Mr Hall said there was a high level of engagement at 594 votes and a very high level of support for the proposed new uniform - 74% in favour (308 parents, 74% in favour; 254 pupils, 76% in favour; and 32 staff, 59% in favour).
''Given this decision, we are now working through a process regarding the supply of the new uniform,'' the principal said.
''When this is confirmed, we will communicate further information about this and other important details.''
The vote reflected the board listening to what pupils and parents had to say between the draft and proposed final version and the review process began with the wishes of pupils, Mr Hall said.
Trustees thanked everyone who engaged in the uniform review process, in particular the members of the uniform review committee for their contribution over a long period of time.
''The uniforms are available from the biggest uniform suppliers in the country and we just need to work out what our model of supply is,'' Mr Hall said.
The board reiterated last week it was considering how it could help low-income families to afford the new uniform.
A second-hand market in the new uniform will develop over time, he said.