‘I can’t believe it’: 102 years celebrated

Glendale Retirement Home’s oldest resident Joan Glover only had one request ahead of her 102nd birthday — whitebait fritters.

Mrs Glover was all smiles yesterday as she tucked into her special meal and said turning 102 was a bit of a shock.

"I can’t believe I’m turning that old, I can’t believe it," she said.

Her sister Myra Roulston travelled from Cromwell to take part in yesterday’s celebration, which included birthday cake and some afternoon entertainment.

"She’s always loved [the song] Danny Boy," Ms Roulston said.

At her last birthday party, Mrs Glover had been holding a Bluetooth speaker "belting out all the words" to the song.

Everybody was expecting her to request it again this year.

Their father was a firefighter and part of their childhood was spent living at the Roslyn Fire Station.

Joan Glover requested whitebait patties to celebrate her 102nd birthday. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Joan Glover requested whitebait patties to celebrate her 102nd birthday. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Ms Roulston said she had always been closest with her sister of the six siblings and recounted some of her fond memories of their younger years.

"She used to pay me thruppence to eat my vegetables at dinner, because she couldn’t stand me getting growled at."

Vegetables would not be on the menu for this birthday, but Mrs Glover said she had always been fond of carrots.

Ms Roulston said her sister had often carried her "piggyback" up the old Bullock Track from Woodhaugh Gardens because she would complain about being tired halfway up.

Mrs Glover’s caring nature carried over into adulthood when she became a foster carer.

This included three children she cared for from birth until they left home — she was still in touch with them to this day.

Mrs Glover also has two children of her own, a daughter and a son, and is looking forward to seeing her son for her actual birthday on Sunday.

Despite disbelief it had already once again rolled around to her birthday, Mrs Glover was excited to eat her whitebait treat, exclaiming "mmm!" as she took her first bite.


