Former student in top job

Otago Polytechnic executive director Jason Tibble on Thursday. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Otago Polytechnic executive director Jason Tibble on Thursday. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Being a student at Otago Polytechnic changed his life.

A decade and "a bit" later, Otago Polytechnic is still changing Jason Tibble’s life.

Less than 12 months after taking on the role of learner journey deputy chief executive at the polytechnic, he has taken over the top job after being named Megan Gibbons’ replacement as executive director.

Dr Gibbons vacated the position on Thursday after being appointed Te Pukenga academic centre and learning systems deputy chief executive.

Mr Tibble said he was "excited and humbled" by his new appointment.

"As a former student of Otago Polytechnic, I can honestly say that my experience here as a teenager changed my life forever.

"I attribute this directly to the quality of the people we have working here, their passion and expertise, and the strong connection we have with our local community."

He said the challenge of his new role was to "retain the DNA" that made Otago Polytechnic special, while still being able to step positively into the future.

"It’s a fine balance, but if we hold firm to our aspirations and still provide the space for our people to keep doing what they do best, I think we can do something really special for this region."

Rather than imposing his own views or ideas, he believed the most sensible course of action was to co-ordinate the expertise that already existed, and shape it in a way that maximised the polytechnic’s impact.

Mr Tibble has previously been Ministry of Social Development regional commissioner and the Regional Public Service commissioner for all government in Otago and Southland.

He has also worked in the commercial sector, holding a variety of senior executive positions throughout Australasia, and contributed to a number of boards and committees.

He remains a director for New Zealand’s Centre of Digital Excellence (CODE), and Grow Dunedin (the Dunedin City Council's independent Economic Development Board).

