Freedom camping proposed

The idea of a cafe on reserve land near the Lake Hayes Pavilion is opposed by the Lake County A&P Society, but the previously contentious issue of freedom camping is now a favoured option for the area.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council released its draft Arrowtown and Lake Hayes Reserve Management Plan in May, and 26 submissions have been received.

A move to permit the establishment of a cafe next to the Lake Hayes Pavilion and grant a lease to enable a commercial business is opposed by the Lake County A&P Society, which submitted that a cafe was not essential to the enjoyment of the reserve.

It was proposed to allow freedom camping in certified self-contained vehicles for a maximum of two nights at the northern end of the lake within a designated area, a proposal which was generally supported.

The council proposed reserve land at Lake Hayes could become an equestrian facility, but that site has been rejected by the Wakatipu Riding Club as the site is not suitable.

The club submitted the area was boggy and on the advice of a contractor decided not to pursue establishing an all-weather riding surface for their growing club due to the cost of site preparation.

In an updated submission, the Arrowtown Community and Sports Centre Inc wrote they intended to establish a building

between the field and camping ground. The final building decision is to be determined.

The group also advised the council they ''wish to lock in interest'' for an area behind the proposed building which could provide for future expansion of sporting areas.

To accommodate the building, the existing rugby field would be ''slightly repositioned and enlarged to a full-size pitch''.

The council has also proposed to formally name a piece of land known as ''Millbrook Corner'' at

an entrance to Arrowtown. The Arrowtown Village Association has suggested the land be named Alma Stevenson Park after the late Arrowtown author Alma Stevenson.

A hearing for those who submitted is scheduled for Thursday.

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