Pasta Cafe free dinners to start

Pasta Cafe co-ordinator Jo Clark (left) with fellow Wakatipu Community Church parishioners and...
Pasta Cafe co-ordinator Jo Clark (left) with fellow Wakatipu Community Church parishioners and volunteers Bronwyn Hartley and David Warrington, prepare to serve hundreds of free dinners to residents and visitors every Friday night from July 26 to August 30. Photo by James Beech.
Cash-poor residents, seasonal workers and visitors can count on one hot nourishing meal a week free, in the depths of winter, when a mainstay of Queenstown's charitable community opens its doors again on Friday.

About 30 Wakatipu Community Church volunteers and parishioners will cook and serve a weekly banquet of food given by Wakatipu New World, Queenstown Bakery and a Southland farmer who is a member of the St Andrew's Presbyterian Church congregation, at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, which is midway up Stanley St.

A parish initiative for about a dozen years and co-ordinated by Jo and Nick Clark, the Pasta Cafe has seen as many as 400 people of many nationalities a night take up the invitation.

Pasta, sauce, garlic bread, cheese and fresh vegetables, along with homemade baking for dessert, tea and coffee will be on the menu. The dinner runs from 6pm to 8pm.

Live music will be played by renowned Queenstown pianist Mark Wilson on all but one of the six Friday nights the cafe is scheduled to operate.

Parishioner and volunteer David Warrington said the cafe was set up to pass on the good fortune given by God, but it was not in the business of converting diners.

The cafe grew out of concerns young people in particular had spent all their money on ski passes, had not been able to find work immediately when they arrived and were living on noodles, Mr Warrington said.

Many boards displaying written messages of thanks sent by visitors on their return to their homeland attest to their appreciation of the service.

Many Wakatipu families, of all economic backgrounds, also appreciated the healthy food, the company, the games and the large, warm alcohol-free modern church for children to play in.

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