Inmate convicted after spraying officer

Invercargill District Court. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Invercargill District Court. PHOTO: ODT FILES
A man who sprayed a prison officer with detergent has had another three weeks added to his jail term as a result of his actions.

Inmate Thomas Baker (38), of Invercargill, appeared before Judge John Brandts-Giesen in the Invercargill District Court this week, where he admitted assaulting a prison officer at the prison on July 16.

The summary of facts states about 4.30pm Baker was in his cell at the Invercargill prison when he sprayed the prison officer in the face and on the shoulder with a one-litre bottle of detergent.

"The defendant then laughed at the victim stating he thought it was funny."

The prison officer told Baker he would press charges, to which the defendant replied he did not care, the summary states.

As a result of the incident, the prison officer felt a burning sensation on his face, received a sore eye and went home early.

Baker’s lawyer, Jono Ross, said Baker believed there was water in the container at the time and that he only sprayed the back of the prison officer’s head and shoulder.

As Baker had been dealt with internally at the prison by losing privileges and being put in isolation, Mr Ross said any further punishment would be like double jeopardy.

Judge Brandts-Giesen said prison officers were entitled to be protected by the court and be safe from attacks, even if they were light-hearted.

In sentencing Baker to three weeks’ jail, to be added to his term which ends on September 28, the judge said he needed to "bring it home to you and others that you can not get away with this type of nonsense".



