Trial roundabout proposed for Mornington intersection

The proposed trial near the Mornington Countdown shows layout changes. Photo: Supplied
The proposed trial near the Mornington Countdown shows layout changes. Photo: Supplied
Mornington may be getting a new roundabout, if public feedback supports a proposal by Dunedin City Council to create a safer street environment.

The Council has asked for feedback on a proposed trial roundabout near the Countdown supermarket and BP service station in Mornington.

The location proposed for the trial is the Mailer St and Lawrence St intersection.

A Council spokesman said the intersection had been the location of several accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists.

There had also been problems with motorists failing to give way, he said.

The Council hoped the trial roundabout would keep area users safe, and would improve traffic flow.

A new layout, as part of the proposal, would establish one entry and exit for the service station, and make the Mailer St access to Countdown an entry only.

The supermarket car park on to Lawrence St would also be widened and a median barrier installed on Mailer St.

Public feedback is open until 30 September, when a final decision whether the trial will go ahead will be made.

