Parole slip returns murderer to prison

A murderer who has failed on parole eight times will remain behind bars for at least another year after his latest blunder.

Andrew Peter McGlynn — understood to be one of the country’s most recalled prisoners — was jailed for life before the High Court at Christchurch in 1986.

Every time he has been paroled, he has quickly been re-imprisoned — on two occasions committing aggravated robberies while on release.

Most recently he was freed in April and Parole Board chairman Sir Ron Young stressed it was effectively McGlynn’s last chance to prove himself.

"It is difficult to imagine a more supportive release for a prisoner.

"So, Mr McGlynn will understand that if he cannot manage to stay out of prison with this release proposal, it is difficult to see in the future how he can," he said.

Despite that support, McGlynn blatantly breached his conditions twice within a few weeks — on one occasion consuming alcohol in front of support staff.

McGlynn was returned to the Otago Corrections Facility and saw the Parole Board again last month where he readily shifted the blame for his failures on to Corrections.

"He told us that he struggled in the community and returned to using alcohol to cope," panel convener Neville Trendle said.

"What he wanted in future was a better structured programme and emotional support.

"In particular, he wanted to reconnect with members of his whanau including his school-aged daughter whom he had rarely seen."

The board heard McGlynn was now undertaking counselling for historical issues but remained at high risk of reoffending.

He asked to be paroled to a facility where he had previously spent time, but the board was not persuaded.

"Having regard to his quick return to the prison environment and to his presentation before us today, he needs to continue with his present counselling and demonstrate a period of stability before a further release could be contemplated," Mr Trendle said.

He requested an updated psychological assessment on McGlynn’s current risk ahead of his next appearance in June 2023.



