Repeat sex offender denied parole

Lindsay Harper. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Lindsay Harper. PHOTO: ODT FILES
A repeat sex offender who abused two children over a 16-year span has been refused early release from prison.

Lindsay Neil Harper (70) was jailed for two years and nine months when he came before the Dunedin District Court a year ago on a raft of sex and violence charges dating back to 1975.

The man had his first parole hearing at Invercargill Prison last month where the board noted he had previous sex offending from 1993 and two similar convictions preceding that.

He completed "some treatment" when he was last imprisoned, panel convener Neville Trendle said.

At sentencing, the court heard he had no remorse and had been assessed as a future risk to boys and girls.

One victim, who was abused from the age of 3, said she had been a happy and determined child until Harper entered the scene.

"You took that away from me . . . I will never know how my life could have been different."

She described him as "a monster".

The male victim said his experiences from the age of 6 had left him with post-traumatic stress disorder along with drug and alcohol problems that had landed him in prison for long periods.

"I never really got over it," he said.

Harper’s counsel, Roger Eagles, told the Parole Board his client remained in a long-term relationship and the woman was fully aware of his background.

"Mr Harper goes nowhere without her and has for many years implemented safe practices," he said.

Although the prisoner’s proposed accommodation had fallen through, Mr Eagles said there were other options and asked for a three-month stand-down for those to be considered.

Mr Trendle agreed alternative accommodation should be pursued and he recommended Harper review his safety plan, possibly with the oversight of a psychologist.

He will see the board again in November.

Harper’s sentence expires in June 2024 and he will remain on the Child Sex Offender Register.



