Waste plan approved for public consultation

A plan for management and minimisation of Dunedin's waste, and a list of 61 projects or activities, has been approved for public consultation.

The action list was not initially going to be part of the public consultation as the activities/projects listed that are not already under way are not to be considered for funding until the 2014-15 annual planning round, and may change before then.

However, infrastructure services committee chairman Cr Andrew Noone suggested it would be better to include the list, as it would probably be more understandable to most people than the high level policy that made up the plan.

Councillors had few questions about the proposed plan after working through it at a workshop in April.

Under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, the council was required to review its resource recovery waste management plan to comply with the Act.

The review was done by council staff who developed the plan over 18 months in consultation with stakeholder groups and an appointed steering group, and following a waste assessment last year.

The plan is designed to work towards an overarching vision of Dunedin as a zero-waste city.

It outlines three goals - to build community capability and encourage proactive engagement in achieving the vision; to improve the efficiency of resource use and minimise waste; and to minimise the harmful effects of waste.

Each goal is supported by a set of objectives, policies, methods and actions to achieve it.

Its guiding principles were zero waste, council leadership, community and corporate collaboration, taking precautionary action and that waste materials be used as close to Dunedin as possible.

People can make submissions on the plan during July.

- debbie.porteous@odt.co.nz

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