Queenstown police were yesterday considering what action to take after a complaint about markings on Wicked campervans.
A Queenstown resident found the words and drawings on the sides and rear of certain vans offensive, and had supplied photos.
Senor Constable Chris Blackford, of Queenstown, was looking at options of taking the complaints to the police's legal section and the Advertising Standards Authority.
When asked whether the artwork in the photos was offensive, Wicked owner and founder John Webb, speaking from Australia, denied certain slogans were offensive or suggested sexual activity.
Complaints about Wicked's slogans have been publicised both nationally and abroad, and Mr Webb admitted he may have lost sight of which slogans skirted the boundary and which were offensive, saying he has ''been around all this stuff too long''.
His wife was the ''director of censorship'' and he intended to get her opinion on the van in question as women tended to have a better sense of what is ''sleazy''.
Wicked has three branches in New Zealand - Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown - and internationally has 34.