The man promoting a $100 million waterfront hotel in Dunedin has produced new images of what the 28-storey tower would look like, but ruled out using a tethered balloon to demonstrate its height.
Betterways Advisory Ltd director Steve Rodgers said the company had been asked by committee chairman Cr Colin Weatherall to provide five pieces of information before the hotel's resource consent hearing resumed next month.
The company had been given until last Friday to provide the information, which included the new images, an assessment of environmental effects covering construction and wind disturbance, a report from a recognised landscape expert and a demonstration of the hotel's height.
So far, Betterways has complied with only one of the requests, to provide additional images, but has ruled out a demonstration of the hotel's height.
It had been suggested a tethered balloon, or a hovering helicopter, might be used to show how high above its surroundings the hotel would soar.
However, the company had investigated and ruled out options including a balloon, helicopter and even a crane, Mr Rodgers said.
''Betterways will not do this as it cannot see how using a helicopter with dimensions of 4m by 10m ... can give any reasonable idea of a building that is 70m wide by 98m high.
''The cost to provide this exceeds the benefit,'' he said.
The company would also not provide any additional evidence from a landscape expert, as it was felt the committee had ''a sufficient factual basis to form their own view'', based on evidence already presented, Mr Rodgers said.
''A number of witnesses have given evidence already about the design and form of the building, and it is to be expected that opinions will differ on that subject.''
However, Betterways was working with other companies to provide the other information requested, including the assessments of wind and construction effects, he said.
Work on the construction assessment had been disrupted by the ''upheaval'' within the industry caused by the collapse of Mainzeal Property and Construction, but was expected to be completed next week, he said.
A wind assessment would also be provided to the committee ''as soon as it is completed'', he said.
Cr Weatherall has already said it was up to Betterways to decide to what extent it complied with the committee's request for additional information.
The committee was expected to invite all 507 hotel submitters to have another say on the new information before the adjourned hearing resumed on March 18.
Mr Rodgers remained confident of a ''positive decision''.