Rapid tests now available in Queenstown

Photo: NZ Herald
Photo: NZ Herald
Rapid antigen tests will be available in Queenstown from today.

The tests are available for collection from Queenstown Events Centre, and can be couriered to eligible workers who can’t readily access a collection site.

Until yesterday, the Healthpoint website indicated the closest Rat availability for Queenstowners was either Wānaka or Alexandra — both locations with limited hours.

WellSouth CEO Andrew Swanson-Dobbs says he’s aware the miscommunication may have caused concern within the resort, but residents and business owners can be assured the tests are in the resort and available.

‘‘WellSouth staff today made contact with Queenstown-based critical workers approved by the Ministry of Health through the process and will be delivering the RAT tests to these individuals to ensure they have prompt access.

‘‘We regret that this information did not make it to the system yesterday.

‘‘We expect Rat collection locations to be updated on the HealthPoint website by today, [however] it is possible that collection sites could change and other options added, and so we encourage eligible workers to keep apprised of these,’’ Swanson-Dobbs says.

Rats are only available for healthcare and critical workers who are close contacts, do not have Covid symptoms, are vaccinated, and need to keep working in the event they’re exposed to a positive case.

Their employer must also have self-identified to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as critical, and need to test to continue working as part of the ‘close contact exemption scheme’.

Supervised Rats are also available to unvaccinated people who don’t have Covid symptoms and need a negative test to travel within New Zealand or enter a court of law.

Before going to a collection site, eligible workers must place an order via the‘Rapid Antigen Test order form on the Ministry of Health website – https://ncts.force.com/ratorder/s/

