Submissions due

Submissions on the Otago Regional Council’s major planning document, the regional policy statement, are due to be published by the end of the month.

Council urban growth and development team leader Kyle Balderston said council staff were working through submissions and preparing a "summary of decisions requested report" that would be published alongside the submissions, which at present was expected to be on October 23.

After the council had published the submissions, and the report, there would be 10 working days for further submissions, Mr Balderston said.

However, although anyone could view the submissions when they were published, there would be restrictions on who could make a further submission, he said.

Further submissions could only be made in support or opposition to a primary submission.

Nearly 90% of the submissions on the regional policy statement were form submissions from Greenpeace supporters, including asking the council to prioritise the health of water, to lower cow stocking rates on farms, and to phase out the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser.

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