Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the South Island will move to Alert Level 2 as soon as it is safe to do so, but it is too early to say when that might be.
- 'Hard work still in front of us': 49 new cases as NZ prepares for split levels
- Alert level 3: What can you do?
Ardern made the comments at today's Covid-19 update where 49 new cases were announced.
This was the second day in a row case numbers had dropped. All of the new cases were in Auckland and there is yet to be a case linked to the outbreak in the South Island.
The South Island along with all of New Zealand south of Auckland boundary is moving to Alert Level 3 at midnight tonight.
Ardern would not be drawn on the chances of the South Island moving to Alert Level 2 next week, but said if it was safe the Government would make the change.
"We will review in a week's time. We are really keeping our options open there. We will undertake a very genuine risk assessment about the ability to move levels."
The amount of time the South Island would stay in Alert Level 3 had not been predetermined.
"Yes we haven't had a case in the South Island for a long time and we want to keep it that way.
"Our goal is to get everyone back to the fewest restrictions possible as safely as possible."
Dr Ashley Bloomfield said Ministry of Health teams were reviewing Alert Level 2 settings, which could include increased mask use.

PM's golden rules for alert level 3
Regions outside of Northland and Auckland move to Alert Level 3 at midnight tonight.
Ardern said some people who are isolated and who need child care support can bring another person into their bubble under alert level 3.
Contactless delivery can occur but all staff are legally required to wear a mask for outwardly facing businesses such as supermarkets and petrol stations.
The "golden rules" for everyone south of Auckland: Keep your distance from people, continue working from home if possible and keep children at home with you. They should only go to school if parents are essential workers.
Public venues remain closed such as gyms, pools, playgrounds and markets.
Travel is restricted for work for those needing to pick up goods in a contactless way.
From tomorrow anyone aged 12 or older can book a vaccine.
Funerals, weddings and Tangihanga are allowed for up to 10 people.
Businesses must be contactless and meet requirements such as wearing face coverings to operate.
On boundary rules Ardern said personal travel between alert levels was highly limited.
- by ODT online and NZ Herald